Newsletter #23 : An Infinite Number of Fractions Questions

[This is a back-issue of this website’s newsletter]

Since the last newsletter, I’ve finished creating and uploading dozens of fractions worksheets. The website now has worksheets on seven different fractions topics. For each topic, there are five difficulty levels, for each level there are ten worksheets, and each worksheet prints to a single page with twelve questions.

I know that sounds a bit like the St Ive’s poem, but that’s still only 4200 fractions questions. Where does the infinity come in?

The infinity comes from an equivalent fractions worked example generator. Each time you click on “Generate Example”, you get a new equivalent fractions question. You can solve it, or just click “Show solution” to see the solution. If you want to see how to get that solution, you then click on “Show method”.

Some students learn best by reading example problems. If the kids in your care learn like that, and are struggling with equivalent fractions, show them this web page, and see whether it helps. I’ll be adding example generators for other fractions topics soon.

If you are a bit tired of fractions, stay tuned! In the pipeline, I have…

  • An online geometry quiz game…
  • A set of those puzzles where each digit in an arithmetic problem has been replaced by a letter…

When these are online and ready, I’ll announce them in this newsletter…

Until then, all the best in everything!


Michael Hartley (Dr Mike’s Math Games for Kids)