Newsletter #11 : Timetable Worksheets

[This is a back-issue of this website’s newsletter]
Timetable Worksheets

Some time ago, my son was learning how to read a schedule, or timetable. I typed up a collection of worksheets, to give him practice. Each one has a timetable (one of a music contest, one a TV guide, and so forth) and a set of questions. My goal, in setting the questions, was to force him to read and understand the timetable, and to get practice calculating the length of intervals of time.

When I told him “Now, those timetable worksheets are on the website so kids all around the world can try them!” he responded “Oh, bad for them!”

Well, you be the judge. If you have children who need practice reading a timetable, visit the page, download and print the worksheets, and let your kids try them one by one!

By the way, the memory game I told you about in my last email now has Australian notes and coins. If you missed the email, check your spam folder – many spam filters are, unfortunately, very wary of the ‘M’ word!

Alternatively, I’ll be putting the email in the archives soon, or check the list of new games on the website.

Mike H…
(Dr Mike’s Math Games for Kids)