Missing Monday Morning Math

[This is a back-issue of one of this site’s newsletters]

Monday Morning Math is back! I confess, it’s already Monday Afternoon here as I type… but it’s Monday morning somewhere, and time for some math!

Before I tell you about kitchen chaos and some other math, here’s a little question to test your skill at probability:

Consider Linda (not her real name, since she’s not a real person). Linda is 30 years old, and completed aa liberal arts major at a well-known college, with high honours. While there, she was active in student politics, almost capturing the role of Student Guild President during her senior year. She also spent two years as secretary of the debating club. He best subjects were psychology, sociology and history.

Now that you know Linda, what probability would you assign to the two statements below:

1) Linda works as a bank teller.


2) Linda is a bank teller who is active in the feminist movement.

Make your guesses – how likely is each of these? Think carefully, and in next week’s Monday Morning Math we’ll see what this puzzle says about our intuition for probabilities!

But you’re desperate for your math fix now, aren’t you? So, I present:

That’s all for now!

Michael Hartley
Dr Mike’s Math Games for KIds